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Owsianowski, N. (2023): Besiedlung des antarktischen Kontinentalschelfs, ein Migrationsmodell des Haarsterns Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Comatulida). In Echinodermata 2023 (7. Arbeitstreffen deutschsprachiger Echinodermenforschender, Bremerhaven, 27.–29. April 2023. Arbeiten & Kurzfassungen) / Echinodermata 2023 (7th Meeting of German speaking Echinodermologists, Bremerhaven, April 27th to 29th, 2023. Papers and Abstracts) (pp. 25-26). Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig link

Owsianowski, N. (2022): A computational approach of locomotion, energy demand, and dispersal of the common comatulid crinoid Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Echinodermata) and its circum-Antarctic success, University of Oldenburg. link or link (Doktorarbeit)

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2021): Exploration of an ice-cliff grounding zone in Antarctica reveals frozen-on meltwater and high productivity, Commun Earth Environ 2, 99. link

Owsianowski, N. (2009): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Locomotion of Limbless Organisms, University of Applied Sciences of Bremen. link (Masterarbeit)

Owsianowski, N.; Kesel A. B. (2008): Drag reduction in schooling fish? — A CFD approach, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 150 (3), link or link

Owsianowski, N. (2007): Geometrieoptimierung zur Widerstandsverringerung von durchströmten Körpern mithilfe evolutionsstrategischer CFD-Simulation am Beispiel des 90°-Rohrbogens, University of Applied Sciences of Bremen. link (Bachelorarbeit)

Owsianowski, N. (2007): Finite-Elemente-gestützte bionische Bauteiloptimierung, published in: „Bionik und Nachhaltigkeit – Lernen von der Natur“.

Co-Autor Publikationen

Baena, P.; Santín, A.; La Mesa, M.: Riginella E.; Owsianowski, N.; Gili, J-M. & Ambroso S. (2023): Are there distribution patterns and population structure differences among demersal fish species in relation to Antarctic benthic communities? A case study in the Weddell Sea. Polar Biol 46, 1069–1082 (2023). link


Owsianowski, Nils; Laudien, Jürgen; Richter, Claudio (2022): Video footage of the benthos and accompanying oceanographic CTD data recorded along 19 ROVOS transects during RV Meteor cruise M179/2 near the Strait of Magellan, the Beagle Channel and Cape Horn (Tierra del Fuego, Chile). PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, Nils; Richter, Claudio (2022): Video recordings of the benthos and accompanying oceanographic CTD data taken during ROV dive PS118_9-10 of POLARSTERN cruise PS118 near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, Nils; Federwisch, Luisa; Richter, Claudio (2022): Video footage of the bedrock benthos and accompanying oceanographic data recorded along 19 ROV profiles on the fjord flanks near Vancouver Island on the Canadian west coast. PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): Glacial dynamics, distribution of cryobethic algae and fish and a 3D model of the grounding zone of a tidewater cliff in front of Coats Land's coast, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): Reverse ice flow calculations based on vector field ice-flow data, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): 3D model of the grounding zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet create from ROV dive PS111_117-1, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): Digitized ice edge form of the grounding zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet on 2015-12-31 with extrapolation into the future using ice edge velocities, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): Video footage highlights of ROV dive PS111_117-1 to the grounding zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N.; Richter, C. (2020): Physical oceanography during ROV dive PS111_117-1 to the grounding zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N. et al. (2019): Shelf ice and sea bed videos of the Remotely Operated Vehicle "Ocean Modules V8 Sii" from the continental shelf of the Weddell Sea during Polarstern cruise PS111, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N. et al. (2018): Under-shelf ice video footage and hydrographic data from ROV transects at Drescher Inlet, PANGAEA, link

Owsianowski, N. et al. (2017): Sea-floor videos (benthos) along 12 ROV profiles during POLARSTERN cruise PS82 (ANT-XXIX/9), PANGAEA, link


letzte Änderung am: 02 Oct 2023 10:57